Introducing The ASCA Suicide Information Gathering Tool!
Presenter: Dr. Sharie Sevier For a number of years, concern has risen about school counselors being asked to quantify suicide risk in students. Quantifying this risk is worrisome at best and tragic at worst. However, school counselors need a way to assess the status of a student, collect critical information, and make appropriate referrals when students are in crisis. After a lengthy process, ASCA has developed the Suicide Information Gathering Tool (SIGT). This tool helps guide school counselors through a conversation with students who have expressed suicidal ideation or have been engaging in self-harm. It also guides them through a discussion with parents/guardians and is a key piece of documentation. SIGT also fits well with, and is adaptable to, district and building protocols that are already in place. This user-friendly tool is a new and highly useful response to a serious need! Here is the link and QR code to join MMSCA: Below are Maps and where to Park
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March 2024
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